
Authentique, passionnée, précise – Laco symbolise l’excellence horlogère.
Fondée à Pforzheim en 1925, Laco est renommée pour ses montres de pilote, ses chronographes, ses montres de sport et ses montres de mission d’une qualité irréprochable.

La marque bénéficie d’une longue tradition dans la fabrication de garde-temps précis et fiables, et jouit d’une réputation mondiale pour ses montres haut de gamme.
Nos produits allient fonctionnalité optimale et design contemporain, incarnant un développement continu et suscitant des innovations qui reflètent l’esprit du temps.

Avec nous, il n’y a pas de temps mort, nous représentons le progrès en continu.


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Laco Hamburg DIN 8330 | Expert knowledge at first-hand

Excellent tested & uniquely certified – Laco DIN 8330 pilot watches

The two Laco pilot watches “Hamburg” and “Hamburg GMT,” certified according to DIN standard 8330, embody the timeless aesthetic of classic pilot watches with state-of-the-art technology and certified precision.

Présentation du showroom Laco
Présentation du showroom Laco

In this video, Laco employee Dorothea Günther takes us on a tour of our Laco showroom in Pforzheim. From the museum corner, to the limited editions, to the area of our pilot watches: You are always welcome to visit us, take a look at all watches and also try them on.

Laco pilot watches original | Expert knowledge at first-hand.
Laco pilot watches original | Expert knowledge at first-hand.

No matter which Laco pilot watch you choose, all models have one thing in common: a legendary history. Because in the 1940s, only a handful of companies received permission to manufacture pilot watches. One of them was Laco. With a Laco pilot watch, you are not only wearing a precise and robust watch on your wrist, but also a piece of contemporary history.
